Sai Digital Training Institute

Niantic Wayfarer Agreements

Niantic Wayfarer Agreements: The Key to Quality POI Submissions

Niantic, the company behind popular location-based games such as Ingress, Pokémon Go, and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, relies on a vast network of player-contributed points of interest (POIs) to enhance their games. These POIs include things like parks, statues, murals, and other notable landmarks that players can interact with in-game. To maintain the quality and accuracy of these POIs, Niantic has implemented a Wayfarer program that allows players to nominate and review potential POIs. One crucial aspect of this program is the Wayfarer Agreements, which help ensure that submissions follow specific guidelines to enhance the overall experience for players.

What are Wayfarer Agreements?

Wayfarer Agreements are a set of guidelines that players must follow when nominating a POI for inclusion in Niantic`s games. These guidelines cover everything from location accuracy to the type of objects or landmarks that qualify as a POI. By adhering to these guidelines, players can help Niantic maintain consistent and high-quality POIs in their games.

Why are Wayfarer Agreements Important?

The Wayfarer Agreements are critical to maintaining a high level of quality in Niantic`s games. By establishing specific guidelines, Niantic can ensure that all submitted POIs meet certain standards and are appropriate for inclusion in their games. This helps prevent low-quality or irrelevant submissions from cluttering the game maps and detracting from the overall player experience.

Moreover, Wayfarer Agreements also help maintain the accuracy of POI locations. Since player-submitted POIs are often based on personal knowledge or experiences, there is a risk of inaccurate or misleading location information. By having strict guidelines, Niantic can ensure that the POIs are accurately placed and accessible to players.

How to Adhere to Wayfarer Agreements

To adhere to Wayfarer Agreements, players must carefully review the guidelines before submitting a POI. These guidelines cover several areas, including:

– Location Accuracy: POIs should be accurately located on the map and accessible to players.

– POI Eligibility: Not all objects or landmarks qualify as POIs. Only those with cultural, historical, or social significance should be submitted.

– POI Title and Description: The title and description should be accurate, concise, and free from promotional language or personal opinions.

– Supporting Information: Players must provide supporting information such as photos, Google Street View links, and additional context to help reviewers evaluate the submission.

By ensuring that their POI submissions adhere to these guidelines, players can help maintain the quality and accuracy of the POIs in Niantic`s games.


Niantic`s Wayfarer program provides an excellent opportunity for players to contribute to the overall experience of their location-based games. However, it is essential to adhere to the Wayfarer Agreements to ensure that only high-quality and accurate POIs are included in the games. By following these guidelines, players can help maintain the integrity of the program and enhance the overall experience for all players.

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