Sai Digital Training Institute

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most important aspects of grammar, and it can make or break the clarity of a sentence. When the subject and verb don`t agree, confusion can arise, and it can harm the credibility of your writing. For this reason, practicing subject-verb agreement exercises can be a great way to improve your writing skills and avoid common errors.

Here are a few subject-verb agreement exercises that can help you get started:

1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:

The group of students _______ studying for the exam.

A. Is

B. Are

The correct answer here is A, “is.” The group is a collective noun, which refers to a singular group of people.

2. Choose the correct verb form based on whether the subject is singular or plural:

The dog(s) _______ barking all night.

A. Was

B. Were

If the subject is singular (one dog), the correct answer is A, “was.” If the subject is plural (more than one dog), the correct answer is B, “were.”

3. Identify the subject and verb in the sentence, and make sure they agree:

The book on the shelf beside the bed are mine.

The subject of this sentence is “book,” which is singular, so the correct verb form is “is,” not “are.” The correct sentence should be: “The book on the shelf beside the bed is mine.”

4. Rewrite the sentence to correct any subject-verb agreement errors:

The team of scientists are conducting research on climate change.

The subject of this sentence is “team,” which is singular, so the correct verb form is “is,” not “are.” The correct sentence should be: “The team of scientists is conducting research on climate change.”

By practicing these subject-verb agreement exercises, you can improve your writing skills and avoid common errors. Remember, subject-verb agreement is crucial to clear communication, and with a bit of practice, you can master this important aspect of grammar.

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